Delegating Like a Pro
Effective leaders and managers delegate. Period. It might seem obvious; however, in my experience, many either don’t delegate or do so ineffectively. Why? There are two main reasons.
Effective leaders and managers delegate. Period. It might seem obvious; however, in my experience, many either don’t delegate or do so ineffectively. Why? There are two main reasons.
Wouldn’t it be nice if each task you delegated was flawlessly executed–and delivered before its deadline? This might seem like a far-fetched dream, but it’s actually quite possible.
Managing can sometimes feel more like running a zoo than overseeing a smoothly running team. Constantly shifting priorities, little time to delegate effectively, and personal inefficiencies can contribute to chaos.
Creating a well-oiled delegation process takes time. Even when it’s in place, we sometimes see “delegation breakdown” signs. It’s then time to sharpen your saw.
Familiar with the expression, “You manage systems and lead people”? Most managers fall into the trap of “delegating on the fly” because they don’t take the time necessary to fine-tune their delegation systems.